We've launched a momentous new update to our Creator Analytics suite! Platinum users can now access up to one year of historical chat message counts for their Character creations.
In addition, our fabled Platinum Creators can now zoom in on the past three months, past month, and past 24 hours of their character's analytics, allowing for increased fidelity and trend tracking over time.
AI companions are here to stay, and the skill of crafting immaculate and detailed personality descriptions for these chatbots is proving to be a new burgeoning art form. For those characters that are looking to level up their creator powers, being able to view trends at different historical timelines will be huge! Build on what is working for the community of users that interact with your lovely AI chatbot, and strip away what isn't.
This new feature is automatically enabled for all Platinum users. If you have already enabled analytics for a certain character, you will not have to re-enable analytics to get this feature. Note that chat message statistics will be measured from the time of the launch of this feature onwards.
These data improvements are in direct response to user feedback in our Discord channel. If you haven't joined our lovely community, check us out!